Sep 25, 2011

The third reason…

This is in continuation to my post few days back on two reasons for not giving frank feedback. The third reason, which I suppose it to be, has come to my mind just few hours back.

Doesn’t matter how frank the feedback is, knowing the person who receives it, the doubt//confirmation that it may/will go waste often do play its own discouraging role.

One may say it shouldn’t matter, but as we all know…

Words said unheard,

Words written unread,

Just remain words,

Make no difference

If expressed or not.

None of us likes our words remain just words!


Almas Kiran Shamim said...

i am yet to read the first two reasons...
but i surely agree with the third one...

wat is the point in talking to deaf ears...
it is like pushing against a wall to move it...
you end up exhausted.. and the wall stands where it was standing...

while resisting negative feedback is a talent, resisting constructive criticism is a curse.. which only leads to 'NO feedback' :/

Rià said...

Very well written.

Ellen said...

Hi Prams,

Honesty is still the best policy, the last time I checked. lols! But a 'feedback' or a 'critique' can be both positive or negative.. this would depend on how it's said or on the intent of the person dishing out the feedback.

The better guideline on how to handle this is what our wise peers do --- extract those which are constructive to your improvement -- and ignore those which have no aim but to hinder your progress or goals.

People should be careful with what they say.. words are powerful - it can either build up or destroy. Now the question that should be asked is -- which one do we aim to do??? Build or destroy?

Blessings to you, Prams.

Jyoti Mishra said...

Third one occurs more often.. Isn't it ?

Ed Pilolla said...

no one wants to hear negatives about their writing. everyone wants the reader to simply fall in love with their stuff. i think we have to seek out criticism if we want it. we have to seek it out from someone we respect.

roshwrites said...

Very true. You expressed it really well :D

Thank you for stopping by my new blog, hope you continue reading it =)I will be reading yours again from now on.

Do you have Facebook? It would be nice to keep in touch :)

PhilO♥ said...

Words drift away, when unheard :)

You write so little, yet it all lingers..
Lovely :)

Thank you for your comment :) I have written the final part of my story.
Do come by :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Jalparl..

@wat is the point in talking to deaf ears...
it is like pushing against a wall to move it...
you end up exhausted.. and the wall stands where it was standing...

well said.. thanks for sharing your pint here..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Ria..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Ellen,

@Honesty is still the best policy, the last time I checked. lols!

haha..:) good one..

yeah, constructive feedback shall be identified, bu sadly many factors do come in to picture and try to deviate us..

Thanks Ellen..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah Jyothi..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Ed,

@we have to seek it out from someone we respect.

Yeah, thats true.. we must identify such..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Rosh..

thanks for being back dear..

i have facebook acc.. pramoda meduri..

Pramoda Meduri said...


Hai..thanks ya ..:)

@ You write so little, yet it all lingers..

my day.;)