Sep 10, 2011

The laughter, that night in B.Tech hostel!

For me it was like any other ordinary home visit on a weekend in days, but one of my friends would have never expected her trip to be turning out so funny such that she couldn’t wait anymore before sharing it with us, which happened on her home visit.

As usual we were all gathered on that Sunday night in the dining hall. It was a hostel, girls’ hostel of course, and you must have by now got the weird noise we were all experiencing during that night, Sunday night!

My friend just dropped in to the campus after her visit to home that weekend. After a regular ‘Hai’ and stuff, we kept on discussing on all those crazy topics as if we were apart for some long years, though actually it was just for a day.

As usual, after the dinner we were filling our water bottles. Suddenly my friend said in a tone which was foreign to all of us, “Hey, I need to tell you all something

What?” obviously the curiosity came out as it was our final year in the and some of our friends’ were expected to get married after the college. We were expecting some news of that sort, but what she told us made us laugh our stomachs out!

When I was at home, my grand mother was about to wash a water bottle” she started saying in an uncharacteristically low energetic tone.

Now, that topic made all of us go for a sigh. Though not interesting as much as it would have been f it was on marriage, we were left out with no options than listening to her, we continued so was she!

Grand ma put some water and had been shaking the bottle for quite sometime, but she was not satisfied with the cleaning effect even after brushing it up” she continued.

Then I told her our regular method we do in our hostel” she said.

In hostel, we used to keep some small paper pieces in to the bottle along with some water. After shaking it for a minute, it used to get cleaned.

Grand ma didn’t appear bought my statement; I started to clean the bottle with paper pieces. The next minute bottle appeared clean as if it was a new one” excitement was missing in her words.

Grand ma was so excited to see the bottle clean and she said…” she stopped and looked at all of us with widened eyes, raised eye brows and all uncomfortable facial expression.

What did she say?” some of us couldn’t wait.

Finally she spoke.

She said that here grand ma asked her “Ammai, meeku engineering lo ilantivanni nerpisthaaraa?” (Ohh, do they teach you all such stuff in engineering?)!

Oops, now that made us go dumb for few seconds and there after the laughter stopped only after we went to bed that night.


The Idle Brain said...

LOL! Nice one.

The Idle Brain said...


Rachit said...

hehe.. your freind should have yes,,. :)

Weakest LINk

KParthasarathi said...


kaykuala said...

A good idea. Very practical and costs nothing. Thanks for your first visit!


deeps said...

She has a point there I guess… there ‘engineers’ who cant replace a bulb from the holder or doesn’t know to unscrew a switch board! Maybe it s good if they you such lil practical stuff there :D but u seem to know it anyway

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Valli ..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Rachit..hehe..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

:).. Partha uncle, i'm yet to read that article..will do :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

@ Kaykuala

Hey.. thanks. ya.. u can try it out :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Deeps.. yeah, of course that's true and that's what lacking in our system... nyway..:)