Sep 15, 2011

500th Post - “What’s the most motivating for writers?”

What’s the most motivating for writers?

Now, after thinking to answer it for quite sometime, I realize that framing a single line answer for this question is certainly not as easy as framing the question itself.

Earlier I used to think that for each writer there could be different reasons to write, but now again I would say, I realized that for all writers there could be different reasons to write at different times.

Sometimes it could be the deep wish to express himself;

Sometimes it could be to unburden himself from ongoing;

Sometimes it could be the disturbance he might be hit with;

Sometimes it could be the happiest moment makes him share;

Sometimes it could be the critic whose comments initiate it all;

Sometimes it could be to improve the way he expresses himself;

Sometimes it could be the reader’s compliments make him strive;

And, the rest of the times, most commonly, the regular writer writes

For the sake of writing something, of course not all the times he stays

Ready to put it just like that unless its something that makes good sense.

Well, this being the 500th post of mine, I would like to let all of you know that I’m no different from the above cases. I write for the same reasons too.

The main motivation to me…

But, as it is to tell you, the main motivation behind my writings, especially in this particular blog is nothing but you, my reader(s). Your compliments make me love my own writings more and your comments make me go back and think one more time, or many times too at times.

More than what I’ve received in the blog itself, I’m told most of the times both the compliments and the comments. Its even more pleasing to listen to my friends out there in Facebook going through my blog and letting me know their views. Fortunately, I‘ve got many people who’ve given me frank feedback; a simple thanks to them would never be sufficient enough.

Comments from “Anonymous”…

I can not tell you how much the comments from “Anonymous” have made me tough. In the earlier days of blogging, that was three years back, I literally used to fear to read the comments from anonymous, with the fear that the frankness of the comments might hurt me. But then, these days, even to my surprise, I’m use to take the anonymous comments sportively. This has also helped me in developing the soft skill to accept the comments and compliments boldly. This was one of the improvement area I picked up for myself, and now I’m done, though not to an extent that them no more bothers me, but definitely I’ve reached an extent where I can take the apt out of them.

I take this as an opportunity to thank all the people who commented on the name of anonymous. I’m very sure that I remember most of your words here. Now with this I’m not encouraging anyone to chose the anonymous option from now on, but this is just a token of respect and love I’ve for those who did and who may probably do in future too. They have not just made me think, more importantly they have made me tough. Nevertheless, frank feedback with the identity is respected the most in terms of the guts it displays.

To my regular readers…

Last but not the least, I’m so thankful to my regular readers for making me wanting to be writing here again and again. I do not want to mention much about you, intentionally, since I want to preserve my words for the years to come and for the other milestones to be achieved by me here in this blog. Though I can not thank you enough, for my satisfaction let me say “Thank you so much”.

Finally, the dedication…

When I posted the first one here I did have no idea how it would turn out to be. As it has been this way so far, I do not rate my own interest and the will power which have kept me alive in keep continuing and empowering my dearest hobby, writing. I did it for myself, but being the readers you have always been the integral part.

My 500th post is dedicated to all those who did read my blog earlier, to those who have been reading and to you too, who is reading now and hopefully continue doing to. I may not love you all for everything that you all are, but I definitely love you all for being here.


KParthasarathi said...

Hearty Congratulations on your reaching 500the post.A creditable achievement considering that you have always kept the standard of posts high in content unsullied by anything that is flippant to diminish their value.Most of your posts have triggered the thought process in the minds of readers.They reveal your inquistive and intelligent mind.
Keep them coming

adithyasaravana said...

first congrats on posting 500 articles.. quite laudable feat..
this particular post..
i agree to most of what you tell as to what is motivating for a writer. It was almost like reading my thoughts..
congrats and keep posting

Bikram said...

congratulation on the 500th post .. and over blogging for so many years now ..

Thank you for all those great posts and the advices given from time to time ..

I have learnt a lot coming over to your blog and reading so Thanks to you tooo ..

Once again congratulations and here's wishing for many more to comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Keep smiling

Diana said...

Well congratulations Prams!! Whatever your reason for posting, I'm so glad that you do. Good Luck to you on your next 500 posts!! Love Di ♥

ambikasingh1 said...

Hi there... congratulations on the 500th post... u have come a long way. This is my 1st time on ur blog and i liked the 500th post. Just today, I completed 252nd post...:)

I will keep coming back to read your blog...cheers

Anonymous said...

The generality through which a person explains the most complex things is there in your's for one & all! Keep Writing! n CONGRATULATIONS!

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Partha uncle,

@Most of your posts have triggered the thought process in the minds of readers.

Thanks so much .. hope to have ur continuous encouragement..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Adithya, thanks.. glad that i could do it..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Bikramjit,

@I have learnt a lot coming over to your blog and reading so Thanks to you tooo .

Wow.. so happy abt it ..;)

Thanks ya.

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks so much Di...

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey Ambika, thanks for being here ya..

and thanks do much for the wishes.. will visit urs soon..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks so much vivek.. :) glad abt it..

Madhu said...

Many Congratulationsss dear on achieving this milestone..Incredible..:):) Way to go..It has always been great reading u..keep going..!!

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks so much Madhu... Nice to see u backkk here..;) hope u r doing wel..:)

yamini meduri said...

First of all congratulations Di for the 500..!!

I understand the feels like we have won the world...Congrats di....!!

thanks for the dedication...wonderful lines for us..thank you..!!

Ellen said...

Keep on writing, Prams. Looking forward to the next 500! :-) Blessings to you and your family.

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Yamini.. thanks so much ra..;) pleasure..;)

Love u..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks so much Ellen..:) i'm looking forward for the same too..;)

Susie Clevenger said...

Congrats on 500...I find writing to be my therapy, my joy, my passion....and well the list grows as I write. I am a new reader to your blog and I have enjoyed what I have read so far. Keep at it!!