Sep 23, 2011

Clueless @ Quote…!

“Those who say happiness can not be bought do not know where to shop”

I read this quote sometime back and still clueless on how to interpret it! Please let me have your views if any!

However, the quote on happiness that caught me the most is below...


KParthasarathi said...

The first quote to me appears to mean that you dont have to search elsewhere for buying happiness when the shop is within you.Happiness is not some external thing but a state of mind derived by the way we look at the things.
The search for happiness is inward.

Your posts always provide food for thought.

kaykuala said...

Happiness can intrude into many facets of life. In this case it is one aspect of happiness. It is for someone who loves to do shopping.If she can buy things she'll be happy. The act of shopping keeps her happy.For her happiness can be bought. Is that it?


Priyadarshini Joyce said...

so bloody true!

Anonymous said...

Happiness is a state of mine, if you depend on someone else for happiness, you let them rule your mind ~Chintan


Anonymous said...

sigh, not mine, mind :(

Bikram said...

Oh so true .. if we look furthur the world becomes all rosy again ..



ARJUN MS said...

I agree with KParthasarathi.

But I would like to add one more point,to be happy for longer period everybody surrounding him/her must also be Happy.

Rià said...

So true...the first one.

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

I love the first quote. It is right. Metaphor in humour.

Blasphemous Aesthete

Subhrashis Adhikari said...

they say that money cannot buy happiness, but can but stuff that can make you an unexpected bunch of rose...a surprise candle light dinner...
but there are some things money cannot buy... things that make you what you are...a perfect partner who will care to buy the roses and take you to dinner...

nice thought


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Diana said...

It sounds like a superficial quote to me Prams. Almost like an advertisement saying that shopping can make one happy if they find the right store. But I may be misinterpreting it.
I do like the second quote very much!
Love Di ♥

PhilO♥ said...

I love the second quote..
It's lovely..
But it's difficult to look beyond the imperfections..

@ your comment: I have written a follow up to my story :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Partha uncle..

@Happiness is not some external thing but a state of mind derived by the way we look at the things.

That's what i agree with..

thanks for the encouragement :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Kaykula..

Thanks for that .. good perception..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Pria..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Chintan, yeah. well true..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Bikramjit..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey Arjun, that's true. making surroundings happy make us happy too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah Ria..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi @ BA..

yeah.. :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi SUB..

@.a perfect partner who will care to buy the roses and take you to dinner...

Ummm...missing someone nw.. heheh..;)


Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Rachit.. im available at both places.;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey Di..

I saw it on a T shirt.. may be..!!!

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Phil..will check dear..;)

Thanks ya..

Ruhi said...

"Those who say happiness can not be bought do not know where to shop”

I actually don't know how can you buy 'happiness'. You can buy things that make you feel good. But those are perishable. Maybe you will always remember them. Maybe in the memory you can find some happiness. Happiness is more like a reaction, it's sentiments behind materialistic things that makes you happy...that thing becomes more than itself.

Maybe it's one of those quotes that is made to escape from looking inside and finding comfort outside. Not completely untrue. But not the complete truth.

Ruhi said...

Oh and here is something i wrote on 'happiness'

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Ruhi..

@Not completely untrue. But not the complete truth.

This is what exactly i was coming onto while thinking abt it sometime back..

Thanks sharing ur view..;)