Sep 2, 2011

Every friend is important, but…

Every friend is important but even more important is to maintain them to the different worlds of you they belong to; the moment you start mixing them up, you may end up having a beautiful world of all friends but your friends may end up searching you in your so called beautiful world or they may not find you the same anymore whom they’ve known!

The reason is very simple. For them, your so called beautiful world may no longer be the same they wanted it to be.


KParthasarathi said...

True, friends are at different levels for different traits and cannot be grouped in one category as in a hold all.The intensity and nature of friendships may also vary.But then how you regard your friends is essentially your concern and others have no say in this.The hall mark of true friendship is to accept one as he/she is

yamini meduri said...

different yet right...!!

this post is food for thought di..!!!

Vivek said...

Rightly Said :)

Anonymous said...

Your point is valueble for me. Thanks!

My blog:
dsl anbieter

Bikram said...

Each friend has a special place in heart .. No two can be same or at same place ..

Food for thought the post ...


Diana said...

I never did seem to be able to find friends that all got along on the same level except for my family. Good thought Prams. Love Di ♥

Lady Whispers said...

Wow you nailed it so perfectly :) We can never really mix them as they all r so special :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.

My blog:
rachat de credits

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Partha uncle,

@ But then how you regard your friends is essentially your concern and others have no say in this.The hall mark of true friendship is to accept one as he/she is

Yes of course..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Yamini..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thank you vivek..

Pramoda Meduri said...

@ Anonymous

Thanks.:) will chk ur site.

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Bikramjit..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Nice to see u back Diana..thank you :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

@Scribbling Gal

hey.. thanks gal..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Rachat.. will check ur site.;)