Sep 14, 2011

Post: 499 - Physical Work… Take Home #80

If physical work can keep you away from mental stress, go for it.

PS: I’ve decided for a special dedication in my next and 500th post. Please come back here for the same, tomorrow.


KParthasarathi said...

Wow.500 is no mean achievement.Waiting for you to scale the peak!!Advance congratulations!!!

Ellen said...

Work may be a good outlet or solution for stress. But it is only one of several other ways. Perhaps it would help best to address the root cause of stress in life.

Bikram said...

it is true.. what you say sometimes physicla work helps in getting rid of the stress ..

and sure i will be here tomorrow .. congrats on the 500th post in advance ..


Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Partha uncle..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

That's extremely well said Ellen, we must concentrate more on this..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hey, Bikramjit, thank you :)