Sep 6, 2011

Do Differentiate… Take Home #77

Do differentiate between good and bad work/workers. When you don’t, there is a very little chance that a bad worker can turn good, but there is every chance that a good worker can turn the other way round. One must understand that not always a person’s self motivation power can save him from getting derailed.


Yamini Meduri said...

must read for every manager..!!

KParthasarathi said...

The most demotivating thing that one can face is the presence of a boss who cannot distinguish the good worker from the bad, knowingly or otherwise.This would apply with equal force at home too.
Well said,Pramoda

Pramoda Meduri said...

hi yamini.. wow.. nice to see that..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah, its applicable every where..