Oct 2, 2011

Confession – I Like Cricket Not For the Game It Is

It’s been more than a fortnight that I’ve chosen sports as a topic to blog. Usually I take no time to get into writing once I’m inspired by the sportive feats. These days I’ve been away, intentionally, from the ongoing Champion’s trophy. No big reason, I didn’t want it to be my time killer.

An important realization came up my way long back. Not sure what made me dumb about it so far. Today I’ve decided to confess my way. I’ve always liked and followed cricket but never for the game it is. It has been for the players, for the aura it brings around, for the emotions come in my way, for the inspiration I get, all for other reasons than for the game itself. Of course, some interest and study had to be put into to satisfy my wishes reasoned above; that’s why and how I’ve learnt many things about cricket.

One day during my teenage my cousin told me that I was crazy about Sachin Tendulkar. Immediately I responded back saying that it was my liking but not craziness. She did stick to her point; even I made no effort to prove my point further. I repeat, I like Sachin. I can not measure it out but I’m damn sure that its definitely more than craziness. But when it comes to the game, I was crazy then and I’m still crazy about it for the game it is and I like it for way it is. Liking is when we directly relate to, craziness is when we relate to because of all good different reasons.

Well, it was way back in 1998 I started watching cricket. I took pretty long time to realize that I follow it not for the bat and ball, not for the runs and run outs, not for the matches and catches. I just follow it for the goodness of emotions I go through while I witness a player’s gutsy show, for the way I carve to support a player or team during downturn, for the inspiration I gain to work better in my area of interest. I could have chosen any other game, but being one of my fellow crazy Indian fans I was effortlessly attracted towards it. I think its well understandable, I need not reason it out here further more.

This is it for today on the heartfelt confession. I will remember this Sunday evening for the goodness it brought to my heart after speaking out frankly about one of my biggest identities, fan of cricket. Hope you have had a nice read too!

PS: A message for you KP uncle… I’m still thinking on the topic you suggested me regarding the BCCI. I will come up with a post on it, likely soon. Thank you.


KParthasarathi said...

Confession is for something wrong.Liking a game or a player for his abundant skill is a natural trait in any normal person.We Indians are all crazy cricket lovers and enjoy the adulation and money that our heroes make whatever be the manner of their play.They enjoy an iconic status.Your favourite Sachin is luckily the best in his area.He has proved himself as the best batsman next only to great Don.
But my vote still goes for stylish batsmen who play with their wrists caressing the balls on their way to boundary like Azharuddin,VVS and their ilk.
Looking forward to your two or three part article on what needs to be done to raise the standard of the game.

Susie Clevenger said...

Your confession is your personal truth in why you watch cricket..It is your view on the game that enriches your life...Nice work!

A New Beginning said...

As usual you posted really well!!:)

Rià said...

Aah nice reason to like cricket...i think i like it for the same reason. :)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Partha uncle, yeah, confession is so, but i just wanted to make this note since i did mention that i like the game, but not for the game actually it is..for many other reasons..!!

whatever! its ok.. and i like VVS too..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thank you Susie..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

@ A new beginning

Thanks ya..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

That's good to know Ria..;)