Oct 26, 2011

Marriage-Day Blues… Day 7 @ Holiday

Marriage blues welcomed all of us back into action on the day of the marriage. ‘Band’ batch early in the morning cleared out everything in the ears. “Toranalu” and the decoration done for the house stand high of all.

Everyone was up with the charismatic rituals and I was down with motions! I waited so long for the day and the happenings; suddenly I had to take back seat. It was such a disappointing thing that I would not forget to have good food and take rest before any big event in future. More than the stomach upset itself the disappointment half killed me.

Marriage day is celebrated with many rituals followed. I too got to know the clear picture just on the day of the marriage.

Making up kids is the toughest task for any mother. We had almost ten kids in the house. Their mothers had to keep things straight with them for making them agree to wear the new dresses they selected for the marriage. Three of the kids wanted the same ornament; you have to understand, amidst the peak leveled gold prices how come its possible! Compromising kids is the best job that a mother can do. Kids were handled so soothingly, I learnt many things.

Receiving guests was the job I wanted to perform at the function hall. As I was down, I couldn’t make it large! I was the last person from our house to enter the function hall along with my mom. Mom stays with you, no matter what. When sick, only mom can handle it.

Its pretty clear from my cousin’s eyes, having best relatives around, childhood friends attended, long lost friends gathered all again, it feels more than awesome to get married.

Menu is the most talked of any marriage among the crowd; of course, the wedding saree always takes the air out in women chitchat. However, food items have started to dominate all. When the number of guests exceeds the estimate, it would be a mess. You know what, this was the first marriage ever in which I just took curd rice! That too with a fear back in mind of the after effects.

Photo taking will be an art at marriage. As the relatives stared to leave the function hall after the dinner, late night marriage kills the intensions to stay back late night, it was difficult for us to cover people up in the photos. I took a chance and started to roam around though my body was not in my definite control. Even I was happy with myself for the decision I had taken, to roam around and say hi to the guests, the best of all I did that day.

For the bride and the groom there was no enough time even to check the Mandap and it’s decoration. They got attacked with their own tensions. But once adjusted on the stage, they enjoyed it their best. With the kids and the relatives around, the day has become the most memorable one of their lives.

PS: Hope now you got the reason mentioned in last to last post!