Oct 6, 2011

Next book in pipeline – “The Steve Jobs Way”

In continuation to my previous two posts...

Never thought that I would be reading the book, “The Steve Jobs Way” after Steve Jobs taking his last breathe on the earth. Steve Jobs, the man transformed the way we think and expect the electronic products to be. Being one of the very few famous innovators in the contemporary world, he could successfully market the Apple, though it appears already bitten.

Surviving the cancer for long, all the innovative products launched by Jobs have reached the hearts of the young generation in a missile speed. Being the man who stood differentiating the Apple from it’s competitors, he has been and would be a great inspiration for today’s generation and many to come, in terms of leadership especially.

In this book “The Steve Jobs Way”, written by the former senior vice president of Apple who reported to Jobs directly, I hope to know some interesting leadership skills showed by Jobs, with his team, without whom he would not have been the same.


Rià said...

I m going to read it soon....mebbe as a dedication to the gr8 man who transformed our lives.

KParthasarathi said...

Why don't you give a review of the book?
I saw DNA morning paper gave the headline "The world loses the apple of its i" Arich and well desrved tribute.

The Poet said...

Getting to the top is not an easy task. Everybody needs somebody/bodies to help them along the way.

Interesting post.
Thanks for sharing & for visiting.

Yesterday With You

anupama said...

Dear Prams,
Good Evening!
May The Great Soul Rest In Eternal Peace!
An apt post!

Ed Pilolla said...

jobs was a special man. he did some amazing things and changed the way we do stuff. how's the vague 'stuff' for putting words together:)

deeps said...

this is going to be bit hit among the readers....

Mary said...

I hope to read this book too. There is, I think, also another book in the works which features his quotations. He was indeed a remarkable man.

Priya Chilamkurthi said...

I too want t do read this

Pramoda Meduri said...

Good Ria..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Will do partha uncle..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Andy..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks anu.. i wish too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Haha.. as usual..u speak alot in ur words..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah deeps, now even his biography too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Mary, thr a biography too.. try and read it too..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hope u will..