Oct 19, 2011

No dog bites so far… Day 3 @ Holiday

Literally I said to myself after today’s session of distributing wedding cards “Hufff…finally, I’m done for the day without suffering a single dog bite”.

Most of the houses we visited today were being protected by the dogs, some were milky white doggies where as the others were more than just dogs and nothing less than serious cops. Before enquiring for the people if they are there in the house or not we enquired a lot to know the existence of dog cop in houses. While opening a house’s main door appeared risky, people inside covered it up with their warm welcome.

I’m missing the TV serials, but never mind, there is nothing much in it except the showcase of innumerable camera angles of emotions and actors. Watching a serial twice, for that matter even once a week, suffices the purpose of knowing the story line. Well anyway, we have our favorite ‘You tube’ to ride on any moment.

We saw a new born baby. He is just a day old. Seeing his whole family excited about his birth is the scene of the day!

While we were taking turn a biker suddenly appeared in front of our vehicle with the speedometer needle of the bike he was driving touching almost 75-80 kms. Not just that, he was driving on triplet. Whatever the care parents do take of their children how much time it takes for a child to spoil his own life along with his parents, for whom he himself is their life? If any of you reading this belong to such category of drivers please do take care of yourselves. Your parents and loved ones await you at home everyday. Do as much as you can to make their wait worthy.

PS: Tomorrow will be the last day of distributing wedding cards, hopefully. I’ll let you know some tips in my next post to do the job well in case you need to do!


A New Beginning said...

Nice sweet post :)

Bikramjit Singh Mann said...

hmmm gr8.. as i said earlier i use to love doing that ..

and finally when all cards are distributed you can relax and enjoy the wedding preparations :)

All the best


Rià said...

ha ha good luck with the rest. And m glad u didnt get bitten.

PhilO♥ said...

New born babies are so cute :) I love their fingers! :D They are so tiny!

CookieCrumbsInc. said...

Oooh, dogs, we have five and people are terrified to come to our place without calling first:D

Pramoda Meduri said...

New Beginning.. thanks yaa..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah bikramjit.. we enjoyyy it later..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hahha.. thanks ria..

Pramoda Meduri said...


I love their fingers too..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Peevee.. 5 ??? too many !!!