Oct 5, 2011

News of the day…

It’s been a great day today with a chilling atmosphere at office and home. In spite of all the incredible dealings around us, news remains news and lingers. One of such made me start my day excited.

As the London Olympics’12 are being approached the OGQ (Olympic Gold Quest) in India is in full flow. I’ll like to convey my best wishes to all the Indian players who must have been practicing their heartout.

Coming back to the news of the day, there has been an announcement on the teaming up of the Swiss tennis stars, Roger Fededer and the former women number one Martina Hingis, once again, all for the mixed doubles event of the Olympics. Of course I always support Nadal to Federer, when it comes to an event in which one of the best players ever lived, Federer, teams up with one of my all time favorites in the Women’s tennis, Hingis, I have no second thoughts before conveying my total support to these two.

Looking forward for watching these two playing together and winning some great moments to their country and fans.


Anya said...

Nice to read your NEWS :-)

Hugs from us ...

kaykuala said...

If they can still play it will be nice. Skills they have, must work on their stamina.


Rià said...

Yep i m waiting for the olympics to begin...coz i m here to watch it. :)

KParthasarathi said...

We think alike in this.Martina Hingis is my favourite

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Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks Anya

Pramoda Meduri said...

Kaykula, yeah.. i hope they will

Pramoda Meduri said...

Enjoy it Ria..

Pramoda Meduri said...

WOw.. same pinch..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Thanks @Anonymous

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Rachit, i do have but havent kept on my page.. thanks..