Oct 26, 2011

Mehandi, Malls and the traffic… Day 6 @ Holiday

If marriage is all about two families, marriage extravaganza is all about relatives wandering full house. Relatives started coming in just a day before the wedding night, didn’t seem quite enough for me, but it was all as expected. Busyness kills many rituals/interests. We are quite used to accepting it now-a-days. Not good but ok.

Yamini and I received two special guests early in the morning, Yamini’s close friend and my mom. I admire my mom for the way she makes just forget that she has just arrived in. She enters straight into the household work as if she stayed there since long. It does not even appear taking someone’s work, it just appears quite normal and I love her for it especially.

‘Mehandi’ is a full day celebration in the northern India but not yet in the southern side. Hyderabad is a city known for mixed culture. A ‘Mehandi’ function was planned but the reopening of schools and colleges ruined it! We all wished ‘Telangana’ moment stayed for another 4 days, till just after the marriage. Selfish but again, ok. Anyway, function is just a cover up where as sitting together and enjoying the Mehandi moment is the morning feet we did.

Shopping malls are coming up with new and aromatic offers. 3 sarees in just Rs. 500, 3 shirts for 666 Rs are two of the oceanic creative thoughts the business minds delivered. I realized shopping shoes for kids is not an easy job too with the moms expecting every next shop to have even better ones than that of the shop they are in now.

Busy Hyderabad roads made it difficult for us to cross. Fortunately the one way traffic simplified it. As the automobiles on roads resemble the ants, people who want to cross the road are not just free enough to look straight. Night time no estimation of the upcoming traffic speed never allow anything to help people out, but somehow people manage it though there are no zebra crossings.

Our house was slowly packed up with the luggage of people. Space to sleep was to be found out hardly. A compromise never seemed as compromise when some of us restricted ourselves to the floor and a blanket. With kids, this becomes messed up, as they can be hardly watched out in night time to roam around.

Not just the bride and groom but even you, being the attendee, can never have a sound sleep the night before the wedding unless you are extremely lucky to get it so or your hormones are extremely good in helping you so.