Nov 21, 2011

Love happens everyday …

Love happens everyday

In a new way, to make you

More realized of your

Partner, of his personality;

Eventually, you admire him.

Love strengthens everyday

Both the involved, in

Being steadily determined,

Being ecstatically supportive,

Day by day, for each other.

Love, the feeling, is amazing!

Love wins the day for you

Only when you put your part

Of efforts in making it so;

Love is lovable no matter what.


KParthasarathi said...

Very true.

Rià said...

So true and so well written.

KZ said...

Hmmm :):)...True

Jyoti Mishra said...

hey so true...
its a daily process wit I guess no end.

Awesome read Pramod.. very beautifully written !!

Saumya said...

no matter how much is written on can still write and write and write....with a different set of ideas....good one :)

Zeba said...


Anonymous said...

I do not even grasp how I finished up here, but I think this report was splendid.I don't get your credentials yet undeniably you're gonna be a recognized writer if you aren't by now Cheers!

Before I go, allow me thank you for your understanding with my English as (I'm positive you have become aware this at this time ,), English is not my original tongue thus I am utilizing Google Translate to figure out how to record what I actually mean to articulate.

Anonymous said...

so true :) and well written pramoda...

deeps said...

too much of love can be a problm?? i dont know :)

Pesto Sauce said...

Love is all this and more....we are always in search of love