Nov 12, 2011

You need not love to understand love...

You need not love to understand love;

You can just believe in it, that’s enough.


Diana said...

What a wonderful thought Prams. I don't think it is easy to understand love as it is easy to feel it.
Love Di ♥

KZ said...

Agree!!...But a first hand experience is always better :):)

Saumya said...

i second your thought :)

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

That left me smiling :)

Jack said...


Read all pending posts. It seemed as if I was there at Yamini's wedding. It is so disappointing that you had little sickness too during that time. Looking forward to yours now. I agree that even as professional one should not be emotionless. A manager should motivate by personal example. I agree on what you said about Law not being equal. Books and music do make good companions. You have aptly stated wrong lessons drawn from message oriented movies. Belief in love does matter.

Take care

PhilO♥ said...

But by over believing in love, we land up hurting ourselves, don't we?
Blind faith ain't always good :)

Positive lines though :) I like the picture :)

Destiny's child... said...

That's just so true! It's all in the mind :)

adithyasaravana said...

just believe in love.. wonderful.. Just believe ..Need not take any effort.. will not be reprimanded for not reciprocating..Just believe in the nicely said

The Poet said...

As one who firmly believes in love, I agree with you wholeheartedly.
You expressed this beautifully & I like your image too.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate your comments.

Queen Of Flowers

Rià said...

So true, lovely pic.

deeps said...

i doubt :P

Priya Chilamkurthi said...

This is applicable across