Nov 1, 2011

Buy 2-Get 3, Diwali cleaning, TV serials… Day 10 @ Holiday

Ladies and shopping, you need not think more, they just go hand in hand every time anywhere. As the shopping malls have started brand new competition with the offers they do provide during festival season of Dussera-Diwali, none can be the one to stop ladies from buying the two sarees with which come free the other two. Buy 2 – get 2, slogan fills the walls of big malls. To my surprise, there were offers on men dressing too. Somehow for the first time I came across a “buy 2- get 3” on men shirting! Who says only women do “free-shopping”?

Day before Diwali was a big hit with the new couple arriving bride’s home. Welcoming them happened so simply. No big bash. I planned and executed some naughty deeds. Can’t explain here, but, its full of (sadistic) pleasure to tease the new pair. Everyone has to go through it. Yamini told me she would not leave me either on her day. I said, let’s see!

I slept long in the morning after many days. It felt so refreshing. Diwali was awaited and the relatives along with.

I got too much addictive to the TV serials of Colors and SONY even though it was just two weeks I started following them up. I realized it when I could watch the missed parts in You Tube thought it was late night already.

Cleaning house after such a big occasion like marriage itself is a big task. When the Indians’ favorite festival, Diwali, follows the marriage, you have to make home once again all settled, that’s the task difficulty immeasurable. I witnessed my Pinni handling it. She did it well. Now a days, you have to be ready to pay, you can fly to moon.