Nov 17, 2011

Baby B, KBC… Bachchans have bagged it!

The so called royal family of the Bollywood has been under major media coverage right since their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, has been announced pregnant. Answering all those who claimed that the young Bachchan couple had undergone a treatment to welcome a baby boy, a baby girl has arrived in, bringing all emotions of her father, the otherwise not so expressive, Abhishek Bachchan. No, I’m not saying that those claimed it were wrong or the couple didn’t undergo the treatment. Just that these days, being one among the crowd, you can not say it with enough confidence!

Heartiest congratulations to the couple! Welcome New B. I along with many Indians seriously hope that she hasn’t gone with her father! What Abhishek Bachchan said interested me. “Girl is more close to her father; hence I wanted it to be a baby girl”. May or may not be, but I wish him all the closeness with his today’s little angel.

India is India, even for the media coverage of the innumerable numerologists popping in and saying what the girl child would be, what her lucky number would be! Number could normally mean anything but the numerology, to the believers, only indicates all (good) going to happen, number being the biggest proof as the stars sprinkle. Someone said in the morning news, the baby B would be a creative person! How creative he/she who said it must have been! Come on, creativity lies in every person in either of the corners of his thinking. It comes out as required and more importantly as recognized. Media coverage to this would lead to another betting game, where the one which is already on cards is still not packed up!

As I anyway have mentioned about the Bachchans I would like to go on and share my opinion on the KBC show. As the show named, become a millionaire over the night, doesn’t matter if every show adds few C’s to the already full pocket of the Anchor, the Bachchan Senior!

KBC, the way of life, is the funniest caption I’ve seen in the recent times! Let me know if you have seen something more.

Good that the show ends this week. Proving the starting right the show has also ended on emotional melodrama. Earlier episodes of the show did serve the purpose of giving money to the selected participants and loads of emotional hi-drama to the audience. Well, I admire the Amitabh’s anchoring, except the mandated emotions he has to show at times. As I write this I’m watching a participant utilizing a life line “phone a friend”. No surprise, I’ve seen very few giving answers through this life line and counting the right answers out of them would not take many fingers.

I feel, the KBC team must have been brought under pressure by the all other reality shows which have been cashing upon the emotions of the participants and not to forget, their parents, than that of the talent which they quote that they look for. Anyway, recent episodes of KBC have been appearing relatively good. The ultimate is the one featuring the person, Mr. Susheel Kumar, winning the show’s maximum price money. With the cut of 40 % entertainment tax I hope it still satisfies the winner. Congratulations to the winners!

One last thing, I hope I have many with me to say that they too haven’t understood the Audience Jackpot question if its live or how!

It looks as if the Bachchans have bagged the past few weeks! However, no one can bet that it can’t get better than this. As long as the celebrities survive through the wide hearts of their fans, you never know!


Rià said...

I dont like the media frenzy around the Bachchans...i feel there r many other ppl who deserve the attention rather than them. Our media sure seems to be obsessed with them.

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

There was humor, a dash of cynicism and your refreshing perspective on the couple. First of all, the media in India makes celebrity news out of nothing when there is no need. Let the couple enjoy their peaceful time is what I would say.