Nov 4, 2011

“No Equal Law for All”

Old wine in new bottle feels good is what I’ve heard. But what happened with the Pakistani cricketers in the spot-fixing allegations couldn’t make me feel good though the fixing, like an old wine, is nothing new to the betting world and the jail sentence, like new bottle, is brand new of it’s kind for the cricketing world.

First and the foremost, what if it would have been had the allegations been on cricketers from Australia or India? Would CA or BCCI have left their players to the English judge without lobbying considerably? I seriously doubt!

Ok, Jail Sentence for Pak Cricketers has been welcomed by many former players. Appreciations to the people involved in this have been popping up across all social networking sides and media. What’s been killing me is, what about Bob Woolmer's suspicious death during the 2007 world cup in Jamaica? None cared to bring the truth out then. No one was dared enough to speak out, not even a single word in support to the murder allegations after the first post mortem! No judiciary or a police department of the world could take up the case. And now, in spot fixing case, people have been trying to prove that they too have GUTS!!! Rubbish..!!

Friends, remember my words; this Jail Sentence verdict will not be making as much difference as people have been hoping and quoting to the news papers and news channels. Where there is a will there is a way. This not just applies for the people who want to stop the fixing but also is applicable to those who create it all.

Justice is equal under law; GREAT quote!! But as long as money and fear dominate, nothing is believably justified and NO EQUAL LAW for ALL!!

Unless a squad which can get into serious enquiry of the underworld market would be launched, no judiciary can do much otherwise its a case as small as few no-balls. Players shall approach the officials of their countries in case of any pressures from the fixers. Of course, there could be the corrupted in the board itself. That’s the important place to keep clean first of all. That’s why its always true, as the king so the people!

Few words for the Pak cricketers who have been sent to jail, I’m not much concerned about Butt and Asif, but Amir shall be given a chance to resume himself and his game. He is a good player. At 19, he proved a lot. He deserves a second chance for sure. I hope he retains his confidence.

Ok, I sign off here for now. Have nice time all.

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