Jul 14, 2018

The more we accept our children the more society will accept them

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The more we accept our children the more society will accept them. It is and must be never the other way round! Every child is unique. Unfortunately, society's acceptance levels are not unique to every child. They can never be. So parents must never see their children from society's eyes. Parents must have their own vision for their children, which must be unique to each of their children, rather than having common expectations. Children may have been brought up by same parents, but each child sees and learns from the circumstances/people in his/her own way. Each child develops his or her own perspective about a given situation, about people around. Parents must understand this and have to accept the children on individual parameters. Setting common acceptance levels for children is not just being unfair to all of them but also being ignorant about their individual strengths. 

In the contemporary Indian households, many of the decisions about children are taken by considering society first and the child's interests next. Be it about their education or be it about their marriage, decisions are taken by parents consciously or unconsciously by considering the societal trend and thought process. When decisions are taken based on the understanding parents have about the given child, the decisions go right in most of the cases. Also, certain decisions must be left to the child; parents just need to guide the child in that scenario. Overruling the children's decisions or making decisions on behalf of children do not help, also they can work against in most of the cases. 

Individuality and independence are critical parameters that define the personality of the grown ups. Letting the children understand and maintain their individuality helps in a big way when they grow up. Giving the necessary independence to children lets them be more responsible about themselves, about the decisions or choices they make. Nurturing these two aspects in children is a lot important. By doing this, parents also learn to develop good acceptance levels for their children, instead of getting influenced by the society's common acceptance 'rules' that are never written. The more this acceptance level is, the more society will also accept. At least, parents perceive the acceptance of society in a better way, which makes both parents' as well as their children's lives peaceful, blissful and meaningful


KParthasarathi said...

Good one.

Unknown said...

It is abosulutely true Pramoda.
We need consider the child interests apart from all other things then definitely society accepts them.