Aug 12, 2023

Learning from sport - Cricket World Cup 2023

As India is gearing up to host the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023, I go back to my memories from the first ever world cup I watched, back in 1999. And that SA vs AUS semi-final has had a long lasting impact!

Hansie Cronje was the first "captain" I remember admiring. There is this dialogue in a movie made on his story - "You do not get 100% better by doing one thing 100% better. You get there by doing a hundred things 1% better".
That's so true for any sport, prominently for a team sport and equally for any individual or a team.
Irrespective of what later happened in Hansie Cronje's life, my admiration towards his captaincy has remained intact. Mistakes happen; traits stay.

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