Nov 6, 2010

My Updates...

Hi friends, hope everything is fine you all. I assume you would have had a blasting Diwali, of course may not only with crackers, but with the food items, festival extravaganza etc.

I had a real blasting Diwali this time too; for me it was third Diwali after I joined the job; like any other time so far, this time too I had lot of fun. Specialty for this time is that I’m at home with mom and dad. Of course I missed my Grand pa a lot. Nevertheless, it was fantastic. Again we didn’t celebrate it with crackers, but with all the fun of decoration etc.

It is good that our organization declares five holidays on every Diwali. Long leaves once in a while, makes us enough potent to perform our best for the rest of the season. I had been to my school in the morning. Felt a warm welcome all around. For sure, it was one of the most memorable moments.

Right now all of the TV channels have only news to telecast and that is the cyclone in the Bay of Bengal, on the Ease coastline of Andhra Pradesh, India, at my home town. The effect of this “Gel Cyclone” is predicted high of course, nothing be predicted as it would be when it is nature. I hope I’ll not get struck at my home town with the lack of transportation. Actually I wish I could welcome it!!

I’ve met my friends and relatives, who got their babies delivered recently. The small and pink shaded hands of the babies and the beautiful smiles of them made me fall in love with babies once again. Every smile, every tear, in fact every expression and emotion of them are true and worth enjoying; as if they don’t have any second thought!

This is it for now. I’m enjoying each and every moment at home.

An important update for you all; every important person comes late or towards the end, right? The matter is that I’ve lost my mobile in a tragic accident. I’ve lost all of my contacts. Nevertheless, in the present day highly developed communication system nothing should be an issue between hearts who want to stay connected. So, I’ll get back soon.

Now I’m done for now. Once again I wish you all a happy and safe Diwali, belated of course. Enjoy your moments.


Creativity said...

Wish You A Very Happy Diwali Dear :) :) Thanks For The Wishes :) :)

Its Glad to know that, you are with ur parents & enjoying a lot :) :)

Get a new phn soon :) :)

Shriti said...

happy diwali ^^

KParthasarathi said...

Happy Deepavali and Season's greetings.I am glad you are at home basking in the warmth and affection of parents

sivaprasad said...

belated diwali wishes

Lady Whispers said...

belated diwali wishes to u gal :) I am sure u enjoyed :)

Yamini Meduri said...

hello di

happy diwali to you too..!!

I had a great great diwali at home...andaru vacharu kada..we had a great time....last time intlo lenu kada so this diwali was too special.!!!

and about your mobile...its ok u have a new mobile njoy..!!!

Sapphire said...
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Sapphire said...

happy diwali dear :) I tagged you - please take it up if you like :)

Windel said...

Happy Diwali too,..hope no tremendous damage if your home town hit by that cyclone forecast,..enjoy and have fun my friend,..again happy diwali too


deeps said...

hope the diwali celebrations werent marred by the depression in the Bay..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Sahana, thanks for ur wishes..:)

Really a lot yaa..;)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Chaco gal.. thanks

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Partha uncle thanks a lot..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI SIva prasad.. thank you..

Pramoda Meduri said...

Hi Scriblng gal.. thanks

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Yamini, nice ra.... thanks.:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Sapphire thank you.. will check..;) sure..

Pramoda Meduri said...

HI Windel thank you..nothing happpended as predicted.. safe..:) thanks for the caring..:)

Pramoda Meduri said...

Yeah deeps....:) ... enjoyed well..:)

Saumya said...

home is a great place to visit :)

Anonymous said...

Is there anymore information you can give on this subject. It answers a lot of my questions but there is still more info I need. I will drop you an email if I can find it. Never mind I will just use the contact form. Hopefully you can help me further.

- Robson