A ‘Silly question’ is not actually about the question that is being asked; but it is all about the person who has asked it, and the situation in which he has asked it.
What I mean is…
By nature, some questions appear very silly. But the reputation and the power of the person who asks it can make the question so valid at times. Of course, I’m sure that it is a definite fun to have witnessed such situations.
PS: Please have a look at my previous post titled 'A Small Message..."
True :)
Merry christmas :)
Merry Xmas
It's always a pleasure to read your post. Thank you for the lovely message.
Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Absolutely true! I have observed this a thousand times. I wonder if I were asking the same question, people would have given me a stare that would have made me jump out of my pants!
Your power of observation is sensational! I truly love these little nuggets you put up here.
Merry Christmas.
totally true...not abt the question!! yu ponder well dont yu! Merry X'mas...god bles:D
so true...Merry Christmas Dear :)
No question is silly. It is better to have asked than to have kept it inside. It's answer may benefit others who didn't dare to ask.
Merry Christmas :)
Very True Dear :) :) Merry Christmas :) :)
the small message was cute...thanks for being my friend :)..
merry christmas pramoda..:)..
How TRUE :)
so true dear!!
200th!! OMG!
I can even see your 2000th post coming soon..
But I didnt get treat for even 100th post yet.
hey Pramoda
a standing ovation to u my dear :) good work...
n no question is silly... n u knw wat the heck ..being sily is fun ... i m most of the times silly stupid n crazy....
great going.... n no stress abt good posts... jus pen dwn wat u feel... n we all will love it anyws
Each silly question makes you feel great as you feel you know more than the one who asked.:)
I know exactly what you mean...have had ample experiences like that...:)
Dear Prams,
Good Evening from Trichur.
From childhood,I keep on asking questions,testing others' patience.most of the questions sound silly[but not to me].
people may make a difference;it's the part of the system.anyways,you mke readers think.good.keep it up!
Wishing you A wonderful and Properous NEW YAR!
Have a very happy New Year
and a wonderful and happy 2010 :-)
Thanks for your friendship,
Keep blogging !!
Hi buddy have a wonderful new year tc
You've been awarded :)
very true :)
you have been awarded :)
HI CHaco lover, thank ou.
Happy chrismat belated..to u tooo sis..
Hi Yvonne, thank you.
HI Prabhu, thats a big complement.. thank you.
HI Hary, thank you..
hi ordinary gal..
thanks yaar..
hi tranquility,
well said...:)thanks yaa..
hi sahana...
thank youuu very much...
hi hemanth, thanks alot... :)
a new begining..
thanks yaa..
hi ria..thank youuu..:)
hi vallliii... thank you.... ur wishes make me do well..:)
hi nups,
itsss soooo happy to have u here... thanks alllooootttt...
hi holy lama... truee..true..
hi dc, THANKS ALOT ..gal..:)
HI ANu, thanks for the sweet words..:)
Hi Anya, thanks alott gal..:) wish u the same
@ Anonymous
thank youuuu...:)
HI SUnakshi, thank yu ..:)
Hi AD< thanks yaa..
HI CHaco lover,
thanks sooo much..:)
Hi Sid, thanks alott man..:)
Hi Prams,
It is obvious, the questionair should have some reputation before questioning silly ones. Otherwise people behave in otherway arround at him.
But your post made me to think myself, sometimes I too make silly questions, but I do it by my nature, since I am having somany doubts. hahahah I hope you too have been asked by me if not will try later at you.
Of all people give more importance first to the person who is questioning or quotating, rather than to the quote or quest. If they are going in reverse, means they are really giving a think on the same.
Prasad :)
Hi Prasad,
Thanks for that..Appriciate your effort in reading the older posts and replying to them..:)
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